Welcome to 

Shirewood Forest Archers

Shirewood Forest Archers (SWFA) prides itself as the first and only archery club in the Shire. We are located at the Ridge Sports Complex at Barden Ridge in the Sutherland Shire.

Set in a bush land surrounding, it is arguably one of the best sports complexes in the country, complete with an 18-hole golf course, driving range, playing fields, netball courts, athletics facilities, and a bike pump track.

Want to try your hand at Archery

Join one of our courses, no equipment required, run by experienced and accredited archers:

  • Come-N-Try Course,
  • Beginner Course, or
  • OzBow Course (conditions apply)

Click here for more details

Shirewood Forest Archers

Club Shoots / Practice

 Sunday Mornings

for Members and Club Visitors

Come-N-Try and Beginners Courses

Run on most Sunday Afternoons

Bookings Essential

Be Safe & 
Have Fun

Shirewood Forest Archers (SWFA) started operating from July 2013 with 6 founding members.

Since then, it has been very busy running Beginners courses and Come-n-Try sessions on Sunday afternoons.

The morning is reserved for club and/or practice shoots for members.

With permission granted by the Council, Illawong Athletics were kind enough to share with us their lower Athletics Field used for long jump and shot put.

It is fully fenced, facing south for shooting direction, 50M x 100M, bounded on 3 sides by bush land, and on the left side by a lawned slope.

Facilities include an operations room/clubhouse, toilets, shelter and plenty of parking.

Club events are held on Sundays. The shooting range is usually available during the week for practice when not being used by Athletics.

The range can take a maximum of 12 targets at 3 metre lanes. Maximum shooting distance is 90 metres.

Our club has always had a desire to share our knowledge of archery within our membership but also to the public. We are very proud of our coaches (Accredited Level 1 Archery Coaches) and their abilities in helping people understand and develop the basics in archery in a safe way. All our coaches are regular club members that shoot frequently giving them the experience and knowledge to guide others in their archery journey.

Members section

More details for members can be found here - including details about our club shoots, practice events, working bee information, etc.

Our Courses

More information about our Come-n-Try and Beginners courses can be found here. As well as details on how to become a member of the club.