Members section
2025 Club Calendar
12 - Working Bee
19 - Practice
26 - Fun Shoot (Australia Day)
FEBRUARY - League Competition Begins
2 - AA50/720 | AA40/720 | AA20/720 | 72 | 8.00am
9 - Shire | Short Shire | Junior Shire | 72 | 8.00
16 - All Divisions - Australian Indoor 18m | 60 | 8.00
23 - Canberra | Short Canberra | Junior Canberra | 90 | 8.00
2 - Holt | Sanford | Drake | 90 | 8.00am
9 - WA70/720 | WA50/720 | AA40/720 | 72 | 8.00
16 - WA Indoor 18m | 60 | 8.00
23 - Townsville | Lanceston | Junior Shire | 72 | 8.00
30 - Grange | Melbourne | Darwin | 90 | 8.00
6 - Daylight Savings Ends
6 - Melbourne | Darwin | Geelong | 90 | 9.00
More to come...
8 - All Divisions - Golden Gong | 90 | 9.00
15 - COMP - Golden Gong - at Illawarra Archers
Note - Club Calendar details are in the following format:
Date | Division 1 Round | Division 2 Round | Division 3 Round | Number of Arrows | Start Time
What Rounds Do We Shoot?
Club Shoots - Start Times
Club shoots are for members only and are run every Sunday (when possible) using mainly AA rounds.
60, 72 and 90 arrow rounds:
--- Jan to March and Oct to Dec ---
- 8.00 am Sign-in + Setup + Warmup
- 9.00 am Competition start
--- April to Sept (inclusive) ---
- 9.00 am Sign-in + Setup + Warmup
- 10.00 am Competition start
120 and 144 arrow rounds:
- Start time will be emailed to club members
Check out the wind situation for Barden Ridge on Willy Weather.
Club Shirts
Email the club, if you are interested in purchasing a club shirt.
Know your Committee
2025 Committee Members:
- Andy Price - President
- Malcom Cameron - Vice President
- Malcolm Cameron - Treasurer
- Rob Turriziani - Secretary
- David Bryan - Committee Member
- Sterling McCorby - Committee Member
- Kim Maston - Committee Member
- Wayne Berry - Committee Member
Renewing Membership
To renew as an existing member online, you will need your username and password for the Assemble Sports system.
Login and click "Register", then locate our club membership that is suitable for you and continue.
The membership types are:
- Full member - entitled to be a club officer, vote and can represent the club in registered tournaments
- Associate member - this option can ONLY be used, if you are currently a full member of another registered club - associate members are entitled to use the club facilities like a full member without the entitlements
The club caters to for both abled and disabled bodied people of all ages and gender, as well as catering for almost all bow types.
Minimum age is 10 years old.
We do not subscribe to poaching members from other clubs, but we welcome other club members to avail of our facilities either on a limited visitor basis or as an associate member.
Past League Results
Congratulations to our Winners
League Results for 2018
- 1st Lachlan Cameron
- 1st Malcolm Cameron
- 2nd Andrew Price
Personal Achievement Award
The person who increased their handicap the greatest number of times.
- Malcolm Cameron
Sharp Shooter Award
The person who shot the greatest number of x’s for the year.
- Malcolm Cameron
League Results for 2016
Kids Comp
- 1st Emily Zinnato
- 2nd Gemma Price
League 1 === Recurve ===
- 1st Kim Harradine
- 2nd David Ross
League 1 === Compound ===
- 1st Matt Campbell
- 2nd Anthony Hands
- 3rd Andrew Price
League 2 === Recurve ===
- 1st Anthony Vial
- 2nd John Alcock
- 3rd Tetyana Melnyk
League 2 === Compound ===
- 1st Matt Campbell
- 2nd Neville Middleton
- 3rd Nathan Rathsam
Dedication Award
- Matt Campbell
League Results for 2015
League 1 === Recurve ===
- 1st place - David Ross
- 2nd place - Brendan Elliot
- 3rd place - Kim Harradine
League 1 === Compound ===
- 1st place - Chris Debreczeni
- 2nd place - Matthew Campbell
- 3rd place - David Clulow
League 2 === Recurve ===
- 1st place - Kim Harradine
- 2nd place - Brendan Elliot
- 3rd place - Anthony Vial
League 2 === Compound ===
- 1st place - Nathan Rathsam
- 2nd place - Neville Middleton
- 3rd place - Chris Debreczeni
Other Achievements
May 2022 - State Championship Event
Malcolm Cameron - 2nd place - Veteran Compound
2021 - World Archery - Indoor World Series
Online Event
Our club was lucky to have the following members represent our club:
- Malcolm Cameron (Male Compound)
- David Bryan (Placed 569 - Male Revcurve)
- Gemma Price (Placed 163 - Female Compound)
- Sam Carson (Female Compound)
- Joel Vanderzwan (Male Compound)
2020 - World Archery - Indoor World Series
Sydney Indoor Archery Festival
Our club was lucky to have the following members represent our club:
- Malcolm Cameron (Male Compound)
- David Bryan (Placed 981 - Male Recurve)
- Gemma Price (Female Compound)
- Sam Carson (Female Compound)
- Joel Vanderzwan (Male Compound)
March 2019 - Golden Gong
Well done SWFA Member - David Bryan - came 4th in the Open Recurve division - on a very difficult cold and wet day.
March 2016 - Golden Gong
Well done SWFA Members - Ian and Evan - winning medals at the "Golden Gong" held by Illawarra Archers.
March 2014 - Golden Gong
Well done SWFA Members:
- Andy Price - 1st place (Open Compound)
- Nathan Rathsam - 1st place (Cadet Compound)
- Tom Cox - 1st place (Intermediate Compound)
- Ethan Price - 3rd place (Cub Compound)
All 4 starters from SWFA WON - 3 x 1st places and 1 x 3rd places.
Golden Gong Events - usually every March
A great way to experience "Competition Archery" at a great club.
Thank you to the Illawarra Archers for putting on a top event.